Halloween Lucky Draw Results
Results of lucky draws for RAVE I & RAVE II Halloween activities

What a wonderful Halloween! Hope you guys had a nice holiday and weekend! And now it’s the exciting time to announce all lucky users from RAVE I and RAVE II. Here we go~
Lucky Draw Result of RAVE I
- Lucky Users:
fwhveemszbyx / vwryrwberssw
mpyuvfykprav / ktwkzbbrhzfp
- Reward Distribution:
(500 PIZZA/user) Auto distribute to all lucky users before the end of today
- Lucky Draw Process & Verify
Lucky Draw Result of RAVE II
- Lucky Users from Depositor List:
wenyouqiyuan / erickbirbe12 / 5tatpil1j2fk / liuhaiqun123 / steakmeister
- Lucky Users from Borrower List:
zhouxuan1111 / guydgojzgqge / chaohai.x / dfoxadmin.tp / rr1111111122
- Reward Distribution:
(1,000 PIZZA/user) Auto distribute to all lucky users before the end of today
- Lucky Draw Process & Verify
Halloween Activity Introduction
Thank you for all your participations and supports!
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